Girl Scouts Earn Animal Safety Patch

Congratulations to the 21 scouts in Girl Scout Troop 80273 who earned the Prince William SPCA’s Animal Safety Patch last month. These amazing Juniors and Cadettes wrapped up the program with a visit to the Prince William County Animal Services Bureau. Great job ladies! Do you have a scout troop interested in animals? We offer […]

Helping Turtle Friends

In the spring and summer, turtles are on the move! Be on the lookout for them and be ready if they are in danger. Assist them by moving them in the direction they are going, out of harm’s way. Learn more about turtle safety with this activity sheet from Kind News. The activity is part […]

PAW Express Expands to Include Wildlife

The Prince William SPCA is pleased to announce a new partnership with Animal Education and Rescue Organization (A.E.R.O.). The two Prince William County-based non-profits will work together to add additional rescue, triage care, and transport for injured wildlife by using the PAW Express Mobile Adoption Van.  In its new capacity, the PAW Express will expand […]