
Prince William SPCA Wins Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Council (HCHY) Local Hero Award

Prince William SPCA was selected as a recipient of Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Council (HCHY) Local Hero Award on Jan. 10, 2019. The award recognized the organization’s work on the Little Free Library Program with Prince William County Schools. Olympic Gold Medalist and local hero Ali Krieger presented the awards and was the keynote speaker at the awards ceremony. Winners were selected for inspiring and enduring contributions through school and community activities. Recipients came from across many sectors of our community—county and state government, School Division, businesses, non-profits, individuals, and organizations. The Local Heroes exemplify how to support and build leadership skills and self-awareness in our youth so that they might one day be leaders themselves—and serve their communities as role models for those who come after. In 2018, Prince William SPCA sponsored Little Free Libraries that were constructed at 19 elementary schools and one middle school. The libraries are a free community resource that help promote humane education and encourage reading.

Prince William SPCA Wins Prince William Living “Giving Back Award”

November 2016 – Each fall, Prince William Living, a lifestyle magazine celebrating the people and places of Prince William County and the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park, invites its readers to submit nominations for its “Giving Back Awards.” The magazine then invites the public to vote on the nominees, and selects a winner from among the nonprofit organizations that receive the most votes. From dozens of entries, Prince William SPCA won the top honors in 2016. The November issue of Prince William Living features a profile of Prince William SPCA.