
We are an all-volunteer group that relies on the time, dedication and efforts of our volunteers. We have no paid staff, only volunteers who work tirelessly to improve the lives of companion animals. Whether you want to volunteer several hours a week or just a few hours every month or two, positions are available in all areas and can be tailored to meet your schedule.

Step 1: Register - First Time Volunteers

All first-time volunteers must register using the form below.  Once you register, you will be in our system and eligible to volunteer for a variety of activities which are announced primarily on our Facebook page.

  • Be at least 18 years of age (unless otherwise noted).
  • Be able to volunteer independently.
  • Not have been convicted of animal cruelty.
  • Not be seeking court-appointed volunteer hours.

Step 2: Sign Up for Specific Opportunities

For a complete list of current volunteer opportunities, click on the button below.